We all need to take time for ourselves. A massage can provide a means to counteract the relentless surge of work and domestic pressure. At times, stiffness and pain seem to be a way of life. Tight muscles and stored energy caused by tension can be relieved by a massage.
A massage can relieve soft tissue discomfort associated with occupational and everyday stressors. It can soothe away headaches, relieve overused muscles and resolve other chronic pain syndromes. Above all, a massage can provide a form of recovery and includes a sense of well-being and body awareness.
Acupuncture is a method used to alleviate pain and promote healing through the balancing of the body's internal energy flow, Qi. A therapeutic massage treatment aims to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical functioning, as well as relieve or prevent physical dysfunction and pain.
Acupuncture is used to facilitate healing through the reduction or elimination of pain. It involves the insertion of very fine needles through the skin at specific points in the body. Needles are left in from a few minutes to ?hour.
A massage or acupuncture treatment will have a therapeutic effect and improve health by acting directly on the muscular, nervous and circulatory systems. Physically, benefits include relaxation, assisting the venous flow of blood, encouraging the lymphatic flow and stretching connective tissue.
On a mental level massage and acupuncture not only relieve stress and anxiety, they also help you become more aware of your body as a whole.