Massage Therapy & Acupuncture   
Suite 117 - 420 Bronte St S., Milton, Ontario
72 Horace Drive, Portland, Ontario K0G 1V0 (905) 467 7706

Clinic hours:
Monday - 9am - 8pm
Tuesday - 9am - 8pm
Thursday - 9am - 8pm
Friday - 9am - 8pm

Alternating weeks:
Wed (Portland) - 9am - 6pm

Closed - Sat & Sun

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Better Posture


Symmetry corrects posture by assessing and diagnosing muscular weaknesses and imbalances, and prescribing specific therapeutic exercises that address individual needs. The primary achievement of our existence should not be to battle gravity. Yet this is what the majority of us are spending our energy on. Gravity is a constant. Therefore, if you are not strengthening the intrinsic muscles to hold the body at right angles, you will become out of alignment. If your body is not aligned, much like a car, you will begin to wear out a tire (or in your case; neck, or back)

Most of us live lives that could be improved with postural therapy. The body works better when its parts are lined up and positioned as they were designed. As it is most of us don't pay attention to the messages that our bodies are sending. Most of us ignore the message of pain. We figure it will go away on its own. Instead the body compensates for the pain, but this natural instinct to compensate can be the start of many physical aliments.  more article 


Why is my version of posture correction different? The exercise routine is based on your specific measurements. We measure your hip levels, shoulder levels, shoulder roundness, spine curvatures, pelvis tilts, knocked knees or bowlegs, high arches or flat feet, do your feet point out/in or straight, forward/backward displacement (If a straight line was drawn from your ankle bone up, your knee, hip, shoulder and ear should fall on that line, if not, is it in front or behind the line), hyper extended knees, pelvic/torso rotation.

Taking all of these factors into consideration we then design a set of exercises and stretches to be done in a specific order, every day, twice a day if possible. Now we all brush are teeth at least once a day so why do we not take care of our body at least once a day. The primary achievement of our existence should not be to battle gravity. Yet this is what the majority of us are spending our energy on.

This process of posture correction is a neurophysiological one and takes 8-to-12 weeks to become a good habit of the body. Then up to 2 years to be the body's norm again.   more article 

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